Sandra Frisbey, Founder and CEO


I'm a retired postal worker who always loved finance. That love of finance continued as I sought the scriptures and discovered that God had his own financial system that is filled with possibilities and includes everyone. As a believer, raising two boys, I realized years ago that there was a disconnect between finances and biblical application. Through years of inquiry, I discovered that the disconnect occurred when the believer took the principles of the bible and attempted to live by the world’s system. As I continued to seek the LORD, I was given a vision of a school where students could learn GOD's way of doing things in their finances. The Lord showed me what the curriculum should encompass that would allow, persuade and empower you to leave the system that has been embedded into every fiber of your life, to a system that has been customized by GOD especially for you. I have always believed that finances are personal, there is no boiler plate method that fits everyone. What I need to do in my finances is not what you need. We are different, our needs are different and our circumstances are different. The world's system gives you a box that says, "This is how you get out of debt." They expect you to realign and rearrange your life to fit in that tiny little box . But how many have failed and given up? How about the box that says, "This is how you gain wealth" Have you tried that box? God sees you as an individual, unique and wonderfully made. He has designed a financial plan unique to you. I encourage you to take the courses in this school and meet the God of your finances.